Summer's almost over and schools almost here! Today, August 12th, is the end of Montauk  beach sales but we'll see you next summer! And remember that just because we won't be selling in Montauk for the rest of the year, doesn't mean that you can't buy or order online! In a way, ordering online is an advantage because you can not only see all of the products but you can create your own too. Make sure to order online and customize your own wallet! 
  If you haven't already visited our Custom page, be sure to do so soon! Recently I've been getting questions about how to use that form. So I decided to break it down here for you. 
  Our Customs page allows you to customize your own cellphone case, or wallet. The first thing you see when you enter the page is three diagrams and a side bar with labels. The first two diagrams are of the OUTSIDE and INSIDE of a wallet meaning the design on the front and the pockets within. The Third Diagram is of a cellphone case layout. Each of the diagrams have pink numbers indicating what part of the product they are. (Ex: 1= Base Color) These pictures are used to guide you as in how to describe your wallet/cellphone case.

  Next, once you scroll down you find a form. Fill in all of the fields, and if you are confused, refer to the diagrams. There are drop down menus and text boxes for you to use. The last two boxes have text inside of them. Box 1 says: Pocket Color/ Pocket Border. Please DELETE the text and fill in what color you want the pockets to be, slash mark, What color you want the pocket borders to be. Finally DELETE the text in the box where you can describe your design and write about the design you want on the front of it. Please be a specific as possible. 
If you find it to be to difficult to describe the design, you can draw it, color it, or label it on a piece of paper. Scan/Photograph it and email it to me at along with your name and approximate time you finished the online form. PLEASE ONLY DO THIS IF HAVE ALREADY FILLED OUT AN ONLINE CUSTOMS FORM SO YOUR PHOTO DOES NOT GET MIXED UP OR LOST. After your form is completed, you will be emailed within 10 days of instructions on how to buy your product. What we will do is make it and post it on the online store where you can buy it through Paypal, a secure line in which money can be transacted and received. 

Happy customizing and have a good end of summer!